
Supreme Court Exonerates Greece Government Over Spyware Scandal

Greece spyware scandal
The Supreme Court of Greece said that the government had no role to play in the spyware scandal. Credit: Greek Reporter

The Supreme Court in Athens ruled on Tuesday on the spyware scandal and said that there is no connection between the use of the Predator spyware and Greece’s institutions.

The spyware scandal rocked Greek politics in 2022. It all started when Greek socialist leader Nikos Androulakis filed a complaint with the Supreme Court Prosecutor’s Office, reporting an attempt to tap his mobile phone using Predator spyware.

In the months that followed, prominent politicians and journalists made similar allegations all pointing the figure at the Greek government, the police, the National Intelligence Service (EYP), and the special anti-terrorist unit (DAEAEV).

The government had repeatedly said the spyware is illegal and that it has nothing to do with it. In August 2022, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ nephew, who had political oversight of the National Intelligence Service (EYP), resigned over the spyware scandal, although he denied any role in it. Mitsotakis also fired the head of EYP.

In January 2023, the Greek government survived a censure motion tabled by the main opposition SYRIZA over the wiretapping scandal.

A total of 156 MPs voted against the motion and 143 in favor. Moreover, a total of 299 MPs participated in the roll-call vote following a three-day discussion.

Supreme Court rules on spyware scandal in Greece

However, according to the findings of the Supreme Court’s investigation into the scandal, there was no connection between Predator or other similar software and State services.

After a thorough investigation lasting almost two years, the Supreme Court Prosecutor Georgia Adilini made the relevant announcement on Tuesday, adding:

“However, there were ‘sufficient indications’ at this stage to pursue criminal charges against certain (four) legitimate representatives and actual owners of companies for criminal acts, such as violating the confidentiality of telephone communications, which are classified as misdemeanors. These persons will face trial.”

The individuals to be prosecuted are Ioannis Lavranos, Sara Aleksandra Hamu, Tal Jonathan Dilian, and Felix Bitzios.

“It is highlighted that no other country has conducted such a thorough (judicial) investigation—with the involvement of three Independent Authorities—for a similar case, with most cases resulting in simple penalties and fines against the involved companies,” Adilini added.

Regarding the regular wiretapping conducted by EYP between 2020 and 2024, the Supreme Court found that all legal protocols were adhered to by then-EYP prosecutor Angeliki Vlachou, who did not require special justification for the wiretapping orders. Consequently, she has been exonerated, and the case has been archived.

Justice spoke and presented the thorough and detailed finding of its investigation, government sources said on Tuesday following the Supreme Court’s announcement on the wiretapping issue.

“From the first moment, we said that we are waiting for the decisions of the Supreme Court, which is the firm position of the government. Justice spoke and presented the thorough and detailed result of its investigation,” a government spokesperson said.

“Regarding the part of the case that is still pending before the Court, we repeat our above-mentioned firm position that we trust the independent judicial authorities. We await the opinions of all those who rushed to condemn officials and politicians before the ruling of Justice,” the spokesperson added, according to the Athens Macedonia News Agency (AMNA).

SYRIZA on the decision on the spyware scandal in Greece

“Today, with the decision to drop the case of the EYP-Predator scandal, my confidence in the Greek Justice system has been seriously shaken,” SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Stefanos Kasselakis said on Tuesday in a post on social media, noting that he is speaking as a Greek citizen and not as the leader of the main opposition.

“Unfortunately, this now coincides with the widespread feeling of the Greek people that Justice is not the last refuge of those who were wronged.

“That is why one of the first proposals I have put forward to the Greek people is the radical change in the way the leadership of the Judiciary is selected so that it is freed from the suffocating embrace and dependence on the respective government,” Kasselakis stated adding that an official statement of the main opposition will follow.

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