
Cyprus Targets Developers Building on Greek-Cypriot Properties in Occupied North

Greek Cypriot
The Republic of Cyprus cracks down on developers building on Greek Cypriot properties in the Turkish-occupied northern part of the island. Photo of the Nicosia Turkish Municipality building. Credit: Muratsahan – Kendi çalışmam CC BY 3.0

The Republic of Cyprus is cracking down on international developers who try to promote or build on Greek Cypriot properties in Turkish-occupied northern Cyprus.

On Friday, October 18th, Israeli property developer Simon Mistriel Aykut will be tried for developing and selling around $47 million worth of property on Greek Cypriot land in the north.

Aykut was arrested in June trying to cross to the Republic of Cyprus from the north. Along with the Israeli developer, Ewa Kunzel, Ilona Lesko and Melinda Ladanyi were arrested in the Republic on charges relating to the development of properties in the north that belong to Greek Cypriots.

The Israeli developer appeared before the Nicosia criminal court facing a total of 124 charges. He is being represented by two Greek Cypriot lawyers and one Turkish Cypriot lawyer, while an Israeli lawyer is also observing the proceedings.

However, it was determined that the case would be adjourned so as to allow both sides the time needed to agree on the objections in Aykut’s defense.

In terms of his chances of fleeing, his lawyers spoke of “health problems” their client was facing, while also implying his safety may be at risk while in custody due to his nationality.

The Republic of Cyprus forbids foreign citizens from purchasing property owned by Greek Cypriots in the part under Turkish belligerent occupation since 1974.

History background

According to the Republic of Cyprus, in 1974, Turkish armed forces expelled and continue to prevent more than 170,000 displaced persons from returning to their homes to peacefully enjoy their properties.

United Nations Security Council Resolutions 541 (1983) and 550 (1984), call upon all states to respect the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of the Republic of Cyprus and to not recognize any other state in Cyprus or assist the secessionist entity in any way.

As such, the illegal secessionist entity in the occupied area of Cyprus does not have jurisdiction to perform valid transfers of property ownership.

Moreover, under the laws of the Republic of Cyprus, the use of property registered in the name of another individual constitutes a criminal offense. The commission of this offence could lead to the issuance of a European arrest warrant, enforceable in any of the 26 EU countries, as well as an international arrest warrant.

Turkish Cypriots react to the prosecution of developers

On Monday, a coalition of Turkish Cypriot organizations demonstrated, demanding the  release of businesspeople arrested by the Republic of Cyprus on the charge of developing or promoting the development of Greek Cypriot properties.

The self-styled Initiative for the Protection of Rights held a demonstration on the Turkish Cypriot side of the Ayios Dhometios crossing point in Nicosia. They held up banners that read: “You will not be able to destroy the Turkish Cypriots.”

Participating in the demonstration were the Turkish Cypriot contractors association, the Turkish Cypriot chamber of commerce, the hoteliers association, the bar association, and the association of realtors.

In a statement read out by Hasan Esendagli, head of the Turkish Cypriot bar association, the initiative accused the Greek Cypriot side of “weaponizing” its justice system in dealing with the property issue.

The statement also said the Greek Cypriot crackdown on property developers in the north constitutes a bad-faith move that also threatens economic activity in the northern part of Cyprus.

Esendagli further called on the international community to encourage the Republic of Cyprus to avoid actions that exacerbate tensions, such as the arrests of Turkish Cypriots, European citizens, and other foreign investors, and to refrain from “using the law as a weapon.”

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