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Monday, January 20, 2025

Christodoulides Urges Erdogan to Collaborate for Peace in Cyprus


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Cyprus' President Nikos Christodoulides addressed Erdogan at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly
Cyprus President, Nikos Christodoulides, in his UN General Assembly address. Credit: Presidency of the Republic of Cyprus

Cyprus President, Nikos Christodoulides, in his UN General Assembly address, called on Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan for collaboration. He underlined a need to promote peace in Cyprus and Turkey, emphasizing the importance of dialogue and adherence to international legality.

“Mr. Erdogan, let us work together, guided by a vision of peace. Let us build a brighter future for our countries, through dialogue, and respect of international legality,” Christodoulides declared during his speech, underlying the need for unity and peaceful coexistence.

In addition, during his address to Erdogan, Christodoulides refered to the long-standing conflicts that Cyprus has experienced. He noted the contentious opening of Varosha, recurring provocations in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ), and a recent attack on UN peacekeepers near Pyla. Furthermore, he renewed his call for negotiations on the Cyprus problem, underscoring its utmost importance.

Christodoulides called the resumption of negotiations his absolute priority. In this regard, he emphasized that “the current status quo cannot be the future of Cyprus.” He has also referred to the new generation of Cypriots that “is also eager for peace.”

Moreover, Christodoulides urged the United Nations to play a more active role in facilitating peace negotiations. He stressed the importance of appointing a special envoy for the Cyprus problem, stating that it was high time for the UN to become a driving force of dialogue.

Erdogan Called for Recognition of the Occupied Part of Cyprus

President Erdogan had previously addressed the UN General Assembly, asserting Turkey’s commitment to peace, stability, and adherence to rights and laws in the Eastern Mediterranean. At the same time, Erdogan also called on the international community to recognize the independence of the de facto state of Northern Cyprus.

In response to Erdogan’s statement, Christodoulides remained resolute in his commitment to negotiate a settlement that would safeguard the fundamental freedoms and human rights of all Cypriots, irrespective of their ethnicity or background.

Christodoulides also highlighted the crucial role that the European Union could play in fostering reunification and peace in Cyprus, underlining the EU’s commitment to the region’s stability.

As world leaders gathered in New York for the UN General Assembly, both Christodoulides and Erdogan’s speeches have firmly placed the Cyprus issue on the international stage. They underscore the pressing need for dialogue, negotiation, and a peaceful resolution to one of Europe’s longest-standing conflicts.

Mitsotakis Meet Erdogan

On Thursday, within the framework of the assembly, a meeting was also held between Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Erdogan.

The two leaders discussed regional and global concerns, particularly focusing on the climate crisis and its effects in the Mediterranean. Recognizing the significance of civil protection, given recent natural disasters in both nations, they pledged to enhance cooperation in this area. Furthermore, they acknowledged the shared challenge of migration and committed to collaborative efforts in addressing it.

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