5 Unexplained Phenomena Across the Ancient World

Cranial Deformation in the Ancient World
Cranial Deformation in the ancient world, head of the statue of a princess, one of the six daughters of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, New Kingdom of ancient Egypt, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1350 BC. Credit: Manfred Werner-Tsui Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 3.0

Certain unexplained phenomena of a similar nature have appeared throughout time in various parts and cultures across the ancient world. These continue to puzzle scientists and researchers to this day and have each marked history and lore in their own way.

For instance, circular megalithic constructions have appeared in Europe, Asia, and South America at various times during an era when there were no means OF long-distance travel, let alone crossing entire oceans.

Unable to scientifically explain the origins of such occurrences in modern times, people have resorted to myths of alien species on Earth in primitive times. The Pyramids of Giza, Egypt, for example, are astronomically aligned, and stones used in their construction weighed tons. Obviously, this is much more than any human could fathomably transport and stack high.

Hence, some have argued they must have been built by a sophisticated, technologically advanced alien race. Extraterrestrial beings and supernatural phenomena are often easy explanations for unexplained incidents of the ancient world. Likewise, these have provided explanations for phenomena of a similar nature irrelevant of time and space.

Megalithic Monuments of the Ancient World

Megalithic monuments are memorials consisting of very large stones that constitute part of a prehistoric structure. They are especially common in Western Europe. Such monuments have been around since the prehistoric age, and their builders and purpose remain unknown.

In Europe alone, megalithic monuments have been found in various places ranging from the cold plains of Sweden to the sunny coasts of Spain. A recent study of these monuments indicates they were first constructed by dwellers of Northwest France during the second half of the fifth millennium BC.

However, there is no historical evidence in relation to who built the massive prehistoric structures and what purpose they could have served. The lack of answers has invited legends and theories attributing the monuments to everything from giants and aliens to supernatural entities.

The most famous of such monuments is Stonehenge. It was built in several stages. The first monument was an early henge monument, built about five thousand years ago. The unique stone circle formation was erected in the late Neolithic period around 2500 BC. In the early Bronze Age, many burial mounds were also built nearby.

The most widely accepted interpretation of this monument is that it was a prehistoric temple aligned with the movements of the sun. Indeed, it is a fine example of the ceremonial complexes built across Britain and Ireland during that time period. They were places where the sun was worshipped and solstice alignments were marked. Moreover, such constructions honored ancestors.

Yet, the technique and mechanics used in lifting the huge stones to stack them on top of one another remains a mystery of the ancient world.

Ancient World phenomena. Orion's Belt superimposed on the the Gaza Pyramid Complex.
Unexplained phenomenon of the ancient world. Orion’s Belt superimposed on the Giza pyramid complex. NASA, Rogelio Bernal Andreo, cmglee – ISS-32 Pyramids at Giza, Egypt rectified crop.jpg Orion Head to Toe. Wikipedia CC BY-SA 4.0

The Orion Alignment Theory

The Giza pyramid complex in Egypt is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It includes the Great Sphinx and three main pyramids—the Pyramid of Menkaure, the Pyramid of Khafre, and the Great Pyramid of Giza—have been the subject of speculation for centuries.

The size of the pyramids and huge stones used in their construction led to the formulation of myths of extraterrestrial life being involved in Egyptian kingdoms. Pharaohs claimed they were representatives of the gods. Particularly characteristic of these structures is their unique portrayal of deities as half-man, half-animal or bird.

The myths in relation to the origin of these structures go way back, but in the early 1980s, a researcher named Robert Bauval suggested there were similarities between the layout of the three pyramids of the Giza Complex and the relative separation between the three stars of Orion’s Belt in the Orion constellation.

In 1995, Bauval published a book by the title The Orion Mystery. This further promulgated the notion that “the pyramids were created to serve as a gateway to the stars.” Bauval claimed the constellation Orion governed the construction of all the pyramids. His idea came to be known as the “Orion correlation theory.”

However, the pyramids were actually built around 2500 BC, during a period referred to as the Old Kingdom of ancient Egypt. Thus, any celestial alignment they have with the night sky would have to match up with what the heavens looked like some 4,500 years ago.

The Flood Myth of the Ancient World

The Flood Myth is known in various cultures across time and can be traced back all the way to the Bronze Age. It is the myth of a great flood sent by a Higher Power to destroy a people—or in some versions, the whole Earth—as retribution for disrespect to deities.

For example, the Sumerians, one of the oldest and most influential civilizations of the ancient world authored the Epic of Gilgamesh. It is a striking parallel to the biblical story of Noah’s Ark, which is of a different culture. However, both offer existential and moral lessons to the targeted groups.

India has a similar cataclysmic story of destruction with the hero being Manu, also a virtuous man. He was purportedly privileged enough to hear directly from the gods about the impending doom. As compensation, he was saved, but he was then also responsible for the creation of a new world.

On the other side of the world, the Mayans also had their own flood myth. This was narrated in their own sacred book, the Popol Vuh. The gods sent a destructive flood to exterminate the wooden people, or those who failed to worship them properly.

Similar myths appear in ancient Greek and Norse mythology. All in all, the Flood is a story that appeared in various parts throughout the ancient world.

The Ancient Handbag

One of the more mysterious symbols that has been detected in sculptures across the ancient world is an object that looks uncannily like a modern-day handbag. The mysterious handbag is found in the culture of the Sumerians, the ruins of ancient temples in today’s Turkey, decorations of the Maori natives of New Zealand, and works of the Central American Olmecs.

The peculiar ancient handbag has been interpreted by some contemporary theorists as a tablet and an indication that the ancients possessed technology that was lost in the passing of time. Others have claimed it was an actual tablet given to them by extraterrestrials.

The first known instance of a handbag depiction has been found in the Ice Age. It is the ubiquity of this inexplicable symbol that raised captivating questions about its significance and purpose in the ancient world.

However, it turned out that these objects depicted in Sumerian art were not bags after all. They are, in fact, buckets, likely used to water sacred trees. Sumerian texts have identified them as such, and there are even surviving examples of these.

Cranial Deformation in the Ancient World

Last but not least, the baffling phenomenon of the alien-looking humans with the long skulls has perplexed people for ages. The most common example of elongated skulls is in Egyptian art, and there have been several depictions of pharaohs with such heads. Egyptian gods and goddesses likewise often appear with elongated heads.

Nonetheless, cranial deformation practices that are millennia old appear in various ancient world cultures. The origin of such customs remains unknown.

Some of the earliest examples of elongated skulls were unearthed in Southeastern Australia in Coobool Creek and Kow Swamp. Strangely enough, similar findings roughly just as old were discovered in the Shanidar Cave in Iraq. Moreover, in Brazil, a skull was recovered from Confins Cave. It dates back to the latter half of the eighth millennium BC.

The tradition of skull modification appears to have especially caught on starting in the fifth millennium BC. This assumption is based upon numerous elongated skulls that resurfaced over time.

The most fascinating story of an individual with an elongated head was the legendary pharaoh Akhenaten, who ruled Egypt in the fourteenth century BC. He was drastically different from anyone else and was depicted with feminine breasts and a large belly. This raised questions about potential extraterrestrial ancestry, and such rumors have continued into modern times.

What is most fascinating is that Akhenaten’s tomb has never been recovered. Given that the Egyptians had the greatest respect for the dead and constructed giant, impressive monuments in their honor, the absence of his remains led to the circulation of myths that continue to this very day.


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